Ziel des Seminars ist die selbstständige Entwicklung von Fragestellungen, welche sich mit Hilfe der Textanalyse beantworten lassen. Die folgenden Themen dienen als Orientierung zur Identifikation interessanter Themen, aus denen sich eine Fragestellung ableiten lässt. Abseits der hier aufgeführten Themen sind eigene Vorschläge willkommen.
Aktivismus & Protest
W. Lance Bennett und Alexandra Segerberg. The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Yarimar Bonilla und Jonathan Rosa. “#Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States”. American Ethnologist 42, Nr. 1 (2015): 4–17.
Ryan J. Gallagher u. a. “Divergent discourse between protests and counter-protests: #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter”. PLoS One 13, Nr. 4 (2018): e0195644.
Paul Herrera. “Fridays For Future: The Social Media Impact of Greta Thunberg”. Maven Road (2019). impact-of-greta-thunberg/.
Imkaan. “Sites of resistance: 20 Instagram accounts to inspire your movement-building”. Medium (2018).
Sarah J. Jackson, Moya Bailey und Brooke Foucault Welles. #HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2020.
Andreas Jungherr und Pascal Jürgens. “Through a glass, darkly: Tactical support and symbolic association in Twitter messages commenting on Stuttgart 21”. Social Science Computer Review 32, Nr. 1 (2014): 74–89.
Frances Shaw. ““Bitch I Said Hi”: The Bye Felipe Campaign and Discursive Activism in Mobile Dating Apps”. Social Media + Society 2, Nr. 4 (2016): 1–10.
Rik Smit, Ansgard Heinrich und Marcel Broersma. “Activating the past in the Ferguson protests: Memory work, digital activism and the politics of platforms”. New Media & Society 20, Nr. 9 (2018): 3119–3139.
Yannis Theocharis u. a. “Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: Online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktis- menoi movements”. Information, Communication & Society 18, Nr. 2 (2015): 202–220.
Yini Zhang u. a. “Whose Lives Matter? Mass Shootings and Social Media Discourses of Sympathy and Policy, 2012–2014”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 24, Nr. 4 (2019): 182–202.
Diskurse I
Frank R. Baumgartner, Suzanna De Boef und Amber E. Boydstun. The Decline of the Death Penalty and the Discovery of Innocence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Rodney Benson. Shaping Immigration News: A French-American Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Arthur Borriello. ““There is no alternative”: How Italian and Spanish leaders’ discourse obscured the political nature of austerity”. Discourse & Society 28, Nr. 3 (2017): 241–261.
Amber E. Boydstun und Annelise Russell. “From Crisis to Stasis: Media Dynamics and Issue Attention in the News”. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Krista De Castella, Craig McGarty und Luke Musgrove. “Fear Appeals in Political Rhe- toric about Terrorism: An Analysis of Speeches by Australian Prime Minister Howard”. Political Psychology 30, Nr. 1 (2009): 1–26. 9221.2008.00678.x.
Robert M. Entman. Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Myra Marx Ferree u. a. Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Andreas Jungherr, Oliver Posegga und Jisun An. “Discursive Power in Contemporary Media Systems: A Comparative Framework”. The International Journal of Press/Politics 24, Nr. 4 (2019): 404–425.
Zizi A. Papacharissi und Maria de Fatima Oliveira. “Affective News and Networked Publics: The Rhythms of News Storytelling on #Egypt”. Journal of Communication 62, Nr. 2 (2012): 266–282.
Sacha Altay und Hugo Mercier. “Framing messages for vaccination supporters”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 26, Nr. 4 (2020): 567–578.
Ryan J. Gallagher u.a. “Sustained Online Amplification of COVID-19 Elites in the United States”. Social Media + Society 7, Nr. 2 (2021).
Diskurse II
Künstliche Intelligenz
Jascha Bareis und Christian Katzenbach. “Talking AI into Being: The Narratives and Imaginaries of National AI Strategies and Their Performative Politics”. Science, Technology & Society (2021).
J. Scott Brennen, Philip N. Howard und Rasmus Kleis Nielsen. “What to expect when you’re expecting robots: Futures, expectations, and pseudo-artificial general intelligence in UK news”. Journalism (2020).
Jing Zeng, Chung-hung Chan und Mike S. Schäfer. “Contested Chinese Dreams of AI? Public discourse about Artificial intelligence on WeChat and People’s Daily Online”. Information, Communication & Society (2020). 2020.1776372.
Valerie Hase u. a. “Climate change in news media across the globe: An automated analysis of issue attention and themes in climate change coverage in 10 countries”. Global Environmental Change 70, Nr. 102353 (2021). gloenvcha.2021.102353.
Candice Howarth und Amelia G. Sharman. “Labeling opinions in the clima- te debate: a critical review”. Climate Science 6, Nr. 2 (2015): 239–254.
Jason Shuo Zhang u.a. “Understanding the Diverging User Trajectories in Highly- related OnlineCommunities during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. In ICWSM2021: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, hrsg. von Jason Nurse u.a., 15:888–899. 1. Menlo Park, CA: Association for the Ad- vancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021. ICWSM/article/view/18112.
Deliberation, Flaming, Hatespeech und Polarisierung
Mei Alonzo und Milam Aiken. “Flaming in electronic communication”. Decision Support Systems 36, Nr. 3 (2004): 205–213. 9236(02)00190-2.
Jisun An u.a. “Political Discussions in Homogeneous and Cross-Cutting Commu- nication Spaces”. In ICWSM 2019: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, hrsg. von Jürgen Pfeffer u. a., 68–79. Menlo Park: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
Katherine Cramer Walsh. Talking about Politics: Informal Groups and Social Identity in American Life. Champaign, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Jesse Fox und Bree McEwan. “Distinguishing technologies for social interaction: The perceived social affordances of communication channels scale”. Communication Monographs 84, Nr. 3 (2017): 298–318. 1332418.
William A. Gamson. Talking Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Andreas Jungherr, Oliver Posegga und Jisun An. “Populist supporters on Red- dit: A comparison of content and behavioral patterns within publics of supporters of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”. Social Science Computer Review (2021).
Joseph M. Kayany. “Contexts of uninhibited online behavior: Flaming in social newsgroups on usenet”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 49, Nr. 12 (1998): 1135–1141.
Martin Lea u. a. ““Flaming” in computer-mediated communication: Observations, ex- planations, implications.” In Contexts of Computer-Mediated Communication, hrsg. von Martin Lea, 89–112. London, UK: Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1992.
Adrienne Massanari. “#Gamergate and The Fappening: How Reddit’s algorithm, governance, and culture support toxic technocultures”. New Media & Society 19, Nr. 3 (2015): 329–346.
Anthony McCosker. “Trolling as provocation: YouTube’s agonistic publics”. Convergence 20, Nr. 2 (2014): 201–217.
Diana C. Mutz. Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative Versus Participatory Democracy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Zizi A. Papacharissi. Affective Publics: Sentiment, Technology, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Whitney Phillips und Ryan M. Milner. The Ambivalent Internet: Mischief, Oddity, and Antagonism Online. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017.
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck und Oana Lup. “Seeking the Soul of Democracy: A Review of Recent Research into Citizens’ Political Talk Culture”. Swiss Political Science Review 19, Nr. 4 (2013): 513–538.
Jaime E. Settle. Frenemies: How Social Media Polarizes America. Cambridge: Cam- bridge University Press, 2018.
Charles Stangor. Social Groups in Action and Interaction. 2. Aufl. New York: Routledge, 2016.
Aslaug Veum und Linda Victoria Moland Undrum. “The selfie as a global discour- se”. Discourse & Society 29, Nr. 1 (2018): 86–103. 0957926517725979.